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Explosions at Soleimani's memorial leave almost 100 dead; Iran promises to retaliate.

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Iran declares twin blasts in Kerman, 510 miles southeast of Tehran, a terrorist attack.

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Authorities initially said the twin bombings killed at least 103 people

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At least 211 were wounded, and dozens remained in critical condition, officials said.

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The attack is the deadliest to strike Iran since its 1979 Islamic Revolution

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The second explosion occurred about 20 minutes after the first

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Attack came during commemorations for the fourth anniversary of the killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimani

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No group has claimed responsibility for the attack in Kerman.

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Iran has faced targeted killings and sabotage attacks suspected to have been carried out by Israel

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Iran's government accused the US of an act of international terrorism and issued arrest  for Donald Trump.

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